Define Love? EB White Can...

Let us say you have sat down to write a letter to your lady. There has been a normal amount of preparation for the ordeal, such as clearing a space on the desk … and the normal amount of false alarms, such as sitting down and discovering that you have no cigarettes. (Note: if you think you can write the letter without cigarettes, it is not love, it is passion.) Finally you get settled and you write the words; “Anne darling.” If you like commas, you put a comma after “darling”; if you like colons, a colon; if dashes, a dash. If you don’t care what punctuation mark you put after “darling,” the chances are you are in love — although you may just be uneducated, who knows?

Gregory Halpern Interview

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One of the great pleasures of looking at art is in being an active reader, in piecing together the meaning of the work. Of course, I want the artist to have feelings, and to hint at them, but if he or she wraps it all up too neatly, not only do I feel force-fed the meaning of the work and condescended to, but I question the wisdom of an artist whose work implies he or she is capable of understanding it all.

Chicago Abstract #58

After returning home from Chicago, I anticipated a three photo series from everything I shot. What I'm finding, are several other smaller series. This is a set of abstracts or bites from bigger photos in their own series. 

What drew me to this shot was the stacking of the rectangular volumes, how they laid upon each other as if monoliths toppled. Light cascading over them was the key. 


Chicago Abstract #58

Giving Your Photos to the World & Learning to Critique

For the last hour you sweated over as many details in your photo edit you could. You probably should have spent weeks looking at your photo and editing as you went, but no, you want to get this masterpiece out to the world. But just before you hit the “enter” key, your palms break out in a sweat. Your face turns flush and you suddenly are being brow beaten by your internal voice telling you the trolls with have a blast with this one. 

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