So, you want your own style and vision to creating art? - Buckle up!
Read MoreBig Dunes, Outside Death Valley NP
Big Dunes, Outside Death Valley NP
So, you want your own style and vision to creating art? - Buckle up!
Read MoreBonnie Claire Playa, Death Valley
Death Valley playas, meditation, zen mind, and an amazing folk/bluegrass artist.
Read MoreIntersection Rock & Joshua Trees, Joshua Tree NP, April 2017
Be still with yourself until the object of your attention affirms your presence. - Minor White
Read MoreA Setting in the Woods
Read MoreThe above work is from Brooke Shaden, a great photographer and composite artist I follow. This is just a snippet. You really should go look at her work.
This photo always catches me in the stomach a bit, clearly it speaks of jumping into the rabbit hole. Metaphorical for so many things we have to jump into on a daily basis, like our fears and obligations. We do it so much, in fact, we often don't realize we are jumping into the unknown unless it evokes a sense of fear. Which photography often does for me. But it is this surrendering into the present, the muse, our work that we must do.
Recently a great email of profound Dharma wisdom came across my desk. Be it photography or general life, surrendering to the present or being in the present moment is tossed around much. It's also very misunderstood. This quote from Phillip Moffett nails it pretty well.
“When we surrender, we are relinquishing our demand that the present be something other than it actually is and we are fostering a willingness to be present with what is.”
We, as humans, spend more time crafting what is to be, by the time it arrives we don't recognize it. We are already thinking about how the next thing or the future will be. We worry that the next thing will bring happiness; if we only had more love, money, and things.
In photography, we often spend much time in pre-work, setting up the location and our gear. Waiting for the weather and people to align into the perfect moment. When the clouds don't clear, our hearts sink. It could be a year before you can take the time to return. All the while, you have put your hands to your ears as the muse tugs on your shirt to show you something better. Your disappointment and frustration overtake and your day is ruined.
Practicing the art of surrendering to the present moment is an art. It takes time. Choose to practice. You've planned, let things unfold. In doing so, you shed the attachments to things being as you want. Instead, you let them just unfold and listen. Look away from the dark clouds raining on your landscape shot and just enjoy being where you are. The muse is tapping on your hand as you look down. She might be pointing you to the best shot you've ever taken.
If you missed it, I've been suffering from impatience lately. So spun up in it, I can't move forward. All centered around my chosen art outlet, photography. Here is my last post on the subject, one I thought about for quite a while.
Read MoreAdmitting that I get frustrated is the first step. The second is not beating yourself up for realizing it. Everyone gets frustrated, some just hide it by not showing you.
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